Jesus said “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
Our Children’s Ministry seeks to provide a welcoming and nurturing environment for all children and their families within our community and church family. We desire to build a solid foundation of loving God, worshiping joyfully, sharing God’s love, teaching God’s Word, and experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit through serving others.
Our church cares about your children and we follow the Safe Sanctuary Guidelines. For more regarding safe sanctuaries, please click HERE. If you have any questions, please contact the church office at 251-626-1334.
Attention Parents! Help Us Get Ready! SFUMC Children’s Ministries Launch KidCheck!
SFUMC Children’s Ministries have chosen KidCheck to help us with our new secure children’s check in process!
What is KidCheck?
KidCheck is a secure children’s check-in system. KidCheck helps ensure no one can pick up your child without your consent. More information about KidCheck can be found at www.kidcheck.com. Check out the KidCheck Introduction Video HERE!
Key Benefits
Child Safety
• Easily create and update a list of who can (and cannot) pick up your children
• Upload photos of children and guardians for added security
• Provide medical and allergy information and alerts
Secure Information
• No one sees you or your child’s information until you check-in to our facility
• KidCheck uses the same secure data technology as banks to keep your information safe
• KidCheck never asks for personal identification such as Social Security numbers, credit cards or banking information.
• Speedy check-in – simply input your 10 digit phone number
• KidCheck is web-based, so you can create and access your account from anywhere
• Text message notifications when your child is checked in and out, or in case of emergency
Account Setup Instructions
Signing up for KidCheck is easy and free for parents, guardians, and workers! Create a personal account one of the following ways:
- Create account online HERE. For more details on creating your account click HERE.
- Download the KidCheck App on a mobile device. For more details on the Mobile KidCheck app, click HERE
Then fill in the requested fields, and agree to the terms of use.
Adding Children and Guardians
* If you are a volunteer/employee only, and have no kids to add, you may skip these steps
- Locate the “Kids” tab. Select the link to add a new child, and input your child’s information and upload photos. Select the save button when you are done.
- Locate the “Guardians” tab. This is where you will input additional individuals who have permission to pick up your children.
If you have any questions, please contact the church office.