Below you will find a list of events coming up soon for all members, adults, children & youth, and miscellaneous. Simply click on the event link or follow any special registration instructions. If you have any questions, you can always call the church office at 251.626.1334.


COMMUNION SUNDAY | November 3 | 8:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. | Main Campus | Sanctuary | This Sunday is Communion Sunday so we will not offer a Children’s Moment or Children’s Church. We invite you and your children to join us in family worship so that your children can partake in communion with their church family. Our children are precious in God’s sight, and to their church family. Having them in worship means so much because they are indeed the future of our church. We hope to see you, and all the children of your family, in our worship service this Sunday. If you have any question, please call the church office.

RECEPTION DESK VOLUNTEER | If you would be interested in volunteering as a receptionist in the church office, we would LOVE to have you!!!! You can sign up for dates and times you might be available by calling the church office or emailing




PrimeTimers Fellowship – Special Edition | November 7 | 10:00 a.m. | Main Campus | MC101, Fellowship Hall | Join us for fellowship and discussion. If you would like, bring your favorite pastry or brunch item to share. Coffee will be provided. For more details email


or call the church office.

NEW MEMBER & MEMBERSHIP CLASS | Sundays | 10:00 a.m. | Main Campus | MC100, Parlor | Interested in becoming a member of SFUMC? Have you recently joined SFUMC? New member classes are available to help you become familiar with the core beliefs of the United Methodist Church. Stop in to see/meet our pastors. If you have any questions, please email



UMM BREAKFAST & MEETING | November 9 | 8:00 a.m. | Main Campus | MC101, Fellowship Hall | All men of all ages are invited to attend our monthly (Second Saturday of the month) breakfast and meetings. For more information please contact the church office at 251-626-1334.

WATERMARK SUNDAY SCHOOL | Ongoing | West Campus | W124, Office Area – Our next series will start 9/8 and will be “The Chosen” Season 4. Our class is open to ALL! For more information please contact the church office.

SOLO SENIOR MEN | Weekly on Mondays | 10:00 a.m. | Off Campus | Spanish Fort Municipal Building | You are invited to join this group of men for a time of fellowship each Monday. For more information please contact the church office.


Children’s Choir – Grades 1-6 | Sundays | 5:00 p.m. | West Campus | W124, Children’s Area | Singing choir for children in 1st – 6th grades. Children will learn songs of faith and the fundamentals of music. For more information contact Mike Owenby at



Children’s Choir – PreK – K | Sundays | 5:45 p.m. | West Campus | W127, Children’s Area | Singing choir for children Pre K – K. Children will learn songs of faith and the fundamentals of music. For more information contact Mike Owenby at



ACOLYTE SIGN UP | Going on Now | If you have a child that is from the 3rd grade up to youth age who would be interested in becoming an acolyte, please contact Mike Owenby in the church office or email


. If you are currently an acolyte please sign up at the following link for a time to serve:

SFUMP NOW ENROLLING | If you have any questions or would like more information, please email



REMEDY YOUTH | Sundays | 6:00 p.m. | West Campus | WC112 | Remedy (7-12th grades) | This is a time to gather for fellowship that is about being inspired by who God is and striving to grow in our desire to follow Him fully. If you have questions, email




Youth Activity Consent Form | Click Here

Meeting/Class/Event Reservation Form | Click Here

Safe Sanctuaries Policy | Click Here

Upper Room Devotionals | Devotionals can now be picked up directly from the church office and in the Narthex of the church.

Employment Application | Click Here

Communications Policy | Click Here

Get Involved Brochure | Click Here

As a United Methodist
faith community

We welcome all who seek to follow and serve Jesus Christ. We believe that our relationship with God is centered solely on God’s love and grace.