Opportunities to Serve in Missions
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8
Spanish Fort UMC we need your help! Are you looking for an opportunity to support your community here in Baldwin & Mobile County. If so, our church provides many opportunities for you to get involved and most of those require very little to participate. Look at what is available below and please email
if you are interested in being added to the signup emails.
International Missions
Through generous gifts, we are able to help missionaries spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in Southern India, and Ecuador as well as support the ministries of our sister churches in Palmares and Tuetal, Costa Rica.
And how are they to proclaim him unless they are sent? As it as written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good News!” Romans 10:15

Short Term USA Work Team
Local mission trips & opportunities are generally in the immediate area (Mobile/Baldwin counties) or in the Southeastern United States.
Wesley College, is a ministry of the United Methodist Church in Mwanza, Tanzania. Young men and women in the college receive a faith-based education and are taught the values of Christian living, self sufficiency and community service. We dedicate our Lenten offering as a part of our support to Wesley College. In addition, we participate during their annual fund raising event Harambe meaning “coming together” with a financial donation to go towards school scholarships.

Costa Rica

In Ecuador we are working on Sunday School rooms for a church in Villaflora. After the classrooms are completed the children of Villaflora will be able to participate in the Compassion International sponsorship program. This sponsorship allows them to have daily meals, attend school, have medical care and be taught about the love of Christ. We work in conjunction with S.I.F.A.T. (Servants in Faith and Technology) a mission organization from Alabama. We hope to partner with S.I.F.A.T to build a daycare for children in one of the many poor villages. Each afternoon there is an opportunity to work with some of the local shoeshine boys who range in age from eight to fourteen. The shoeshine boys ride a bus into the city and shine shoes to help make money for their families. We are able to help them with clothes, food, and sports activities in the afternoon. Ecuador is a beautiful country and on a clear day you can see several snow capped volcanoes that are visible in Quito. Mission trip opportunities coming soon! Check out what our missionaries in Ecuador, Ronni and Nanny, are doing these days by following their Facebook page HERE.
Other Missionaries Supported:
John and Lisa Hamilton; OMS International (Uruguay)
Monica Maxwell, IMB Connecting (Southern India)
The Ellis Family (US Currently)
Local Missions
Our volunteers in missions and financial support make it possible to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to our neighbors, in our community and beyond. We serve in any capacity to help and meet the needs of underprivileged adults and children alike and the needs of a community as a whole.
Disaster Response Team
The SFUMC Disaster Response Team provides assistance to our community and neighbors in times of natural disaster by helping clear debris caused by such disaster and make repairs as needed.
Embrace Alabama Kids
We support Embrace Alabama Kids fka UM Children’s Home whereby in “response to God’s word, embrace and nurture vulnerable children and families by providing homes, healing and hope.” Our White Christmas special offering is given to Embrace Alabama Kids. Through this effort, we also support Baldwin Family Village, a program of the Dumas Wesley Community Center located in Fairhope, AL which provides transitional housing and support services for women with children experiencing homelessness.
Family Promise of Baldwin County
Family Promise of Baldwin County provides temporary shelter and housing for families experiencing homelessness. It is the only shelter in Baldwin County that accepts families with children. SFUMC is a support congregation to a host church. Once every 3 months, our volunteers serve a meal at the host church and provide activities to the children such as crafts and games. We also support their annual fund-raising event in December, The Chocolate Affair.
Kidz Eatz
Kidz Eatz Inc. is a weekend meal ministry established by retired educators in Baldwin County. “Its members and friends provide weekend food and other needs to children in Baldwin County schools.” SFUMC is one of the churches hosting meal packs throughout a school year.
Prodisee Pantry
Prodisee Pantry plays a big role in easing hunger in Baldwin County by “providing emergency food and disaster relief to single parents, homeless persons, retirees, families, underemployed and unemployed households, grandparents raising grandchildren and others in need.” Our committed volunteers dedicate their time on a weekly basis to sort and distribute food as well as interview clients to determine other services that they may need.
Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House is a “home away from home and a safe haven for families whose children are receiving life-saving medical treatment in nearby hospitals.” Once a month, our church through our dedicated volunteers prepare and serve a hot cooked meal for family members residing at the house temporarily. Volunteers sign up, when available, to bring a single item for the meal to the church on the last Sunday of the month.
Baldwin Family Village
Baldwin Family Village is a transitional housing for women and children experiencing homelessness and ‘helps women and children re-establish and maintain self-sufficiency by focusing on accountability, case management, life skills and behavior modification.” Our goal is to provide a meal to the residents of the village once every month. Meals can be provided or funded. The BFV “is a program of the Dumas Wesley Community Center”.
Baldwin Family Village Supply Drive:
SFUMC our Missional Focus for September will be in support of the Dumas Wesley Community Center’s – Baldwin Family Village with a Supply Drive this September. Items can be purchased using the Amazon wish list link below or feel to purchase items and bring them to the Sanctuary or West campus on Sundays this September. Boxes will be marked for items to be delivered starting Sunday September 1st. Paper products (Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Tissues, Paper Plates, etc.) are always needed as well. https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3R4IC5XMG3ITV