We believe that we are called to be a Remedy for what ails our world through showing others the unconditional love of God, the truth of God’s word, and offering hope that comes through a personal relationship with Jesus.

The mission of Remedy Youth and Catapult is to partner with families in an effort to INSPIRE young people to trust and know God, EQUIP them with the truth of God’s word, and UNLEASH them to serve God through their unique gifts. We do that through worshiping together, studying together and serving together.

Catapult Meeting Times

Catapult Youth Fellowship | 5:00 p.m. | Wednesdays | West Campus | W128 | Catapult (6-8th grades) will meet on most Sundays at 6:30 p.m. (new time for Catapult) after the Wednesday Night Suppers. This is a great opportunity to be with other students of the same age and share in life together.

Events/Registration | There may be a separate registration information, forms, etc. for specific events and activities. See the info provided on our Facebook page HERE to ensure you have all that you need.

Follow Us!

Ministry Contact: Zack McCraw
Contact Email Address:


Contact Phone Number: 251-626-1334 (church office)

Stay in touch by joining the Catapult Youth Facebook group, liking the Facebook page or by following us on Instagram.  You can simply click on the links below:

As a United Methodist
faith community

We welcome all who seek to follow and serve Jesus Christ. We believe that our relationship with God is centered solely on God’s love and grace.